Day 2 - 300 Miles from Plano to Manford
Day 3 - 280 Miles from Manford to Kansas City
We made it to Dallas Monday night to stay with Cheri's sister in Plano. The next morning, we drove to Denton to reminisce.
We visited the chapel that we were married in and other places that we used to frequent - including some of the places that we used to live. Many places had been torn down :( The Flying Tomato is an empty lot!) It was a quick visit and lots had changed. We made it to Manford, Oklahoma Tuesday night and went to dinner with Cheri's parents. The next day we visited Cheri's grandfather and his wife and went to lunch before heading to Kansas City, MO to visit with our friends, Caton and his wife Dani. Now we must go out and sample the KC night life (it must be done for anthropological exploration!)
We'll post some pictures soon!
I can't believe the Flying Tomato is gone, though I remember when the Delta Lodge burnt down. It was around the same time as the O.J. trial. Did you see 604 Texas Street? When I lived there I had a garden of sorts in Cheri's old room. Happy travels! Fawn
604 Texas st. is gone as well as the 3 houses to the left of it and the 1 house on the corner on the right. It is an apartment complex now. Weird huh? Cabernet, Campus Square, Fry St., I.O.O.F., and Trees all look the same though.
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